Last week I swam once and that was it…we had some norovirus in the house which didn't get me but I was cleaning up and looking after Theo until all back on their feet, then I got a cold. That and work meant didn't get much done, but never mind, had a great ride on Saturday.
Sunday would have been the better day to get out but with Theo's swimming it has to be Saturdays - and I am quite enjoying the wind and rain in an odd way!
Route and stats: -
Some photos below: -
Sun looked awesome when it peaked out!

Road closed due to flooding (only an inch or two in places, new tarmac and no cars = fast fun!!
This is supposed to be fields

Timmy G
On Sunday I finished building the MTB with it's new forks, seat post and extra 42 tooth cassette sprocket, just one more little bit and I can ride the thing again…been a while since in broke back in December!!
Cleaned and ready for action!